Perguntas Frequentes| FAQ
Posso me divertir sem voar? | Do I have to fly to join in the fun?
Posso me divertir sem voar? | Do I have to fly to join in the fun?
estão convidados a seguir o veículo de recepção pela estrada (informado por
nós) e a sua ajuda será sempre bem-vinda. Também é uma boa oportunidade para
tirar fotos do voo em terra. Os mais jovens, se supervisionados, podem
aproveitar para aprender alguma autonomia, por exemplo com a preparação do
lanche, sendo uma experiência que não devem de perder! Os animais de estimação
podem ficar assustados com o barulho dos queimadores do balão pelo que não é
aconselhável levá-los consigo.
Friends and family are invited to follow the retrieve vehicle by road (briefed by us) and their help with the inflation and packing is always welcome. Also it is a great opportunity to take some photos from the ground of the flight. Younger children, when supervised, learn so much from the preparation and the launch, it’s an experience that they should not miss! Pets do get frightened by the noise of the burner and may scatter away, so please avoid bringing them onto the launch site.
Friends and family are invited to follow the retrieve vehicle by road (briefed by us) and their help with the inflation and packing is always welcome. Also it is a great opportunity to take some photos from the ground of the flight. Younger children, when supervised, learn so much from the preparation and the launch, it’s an experience that they should not miss! Pets do get frightened by the noise of the burner and may scatter away, so please avoid bringing them onto the launch site.