Perguntas Frequentes| FAQ
E se tiver medo das alturas? | What if I am afraid of heights?
E se tiver medo das alturas? | What if I am afraid of heights?
maior parte dos passageiros ficam ansiosos com alturas mas após a descolagem,
da nossa experiência, acabam por rapidamente relaxar e desfrutar do voo. Para
os que sofrem de vertigens, está cientificamente provado que as vertigens só
existem enquanto o contacto com a terra for possível.Caso pretenda realizar o
voo o nosso piloto irá cuidadosamente descolar o balão e voar a baixa altitude
para que se possa sentir confortável. Caso sinta desconforto, o piloto acabará
por aterrar permitindo-lhe acompanhar em terra o percurso.
Most passengers are anxious about heights but after take off, from our own experience, passengers soon relax and enjoy the flight. For those who suffer from vertigo, it has been scientifically proofed that vertigo only exists whilst there is some contact between you and the earth. If you would like to have a go then our pilot will endeavour to take off gently and cruise at low level until you feel comfortable. If you feel extremely uncomfortable then the pilot will land and you can join the ground crew in chasing the balloon as it continues on its journey.
Most passengers are anxious about heights but after take off, from our own experience, passengers soon relax and enjoy the flight. For those who suffer from vertigo, it has been scientifically proofed that vertigo only exists whilst there is some contact between you and the earth. If you would like to have a go then our pilot will endeavour to take off gently and cruise at low level until you feel comfortable. If you feel extremely uncomfortable then the pilot will land and you can join the ground crew in chasing the balloon as it continues on its journey.